In the Community
In the Community
Autism Speaks
Smoothie Strong has donated thousands of free smoothies to the kids with Autism at the Autism speaks walk since 2017 we love to be involved every year.

Susan G Komen Cancer Walk
Smoothie Strong is also involved with the community by supporting the Susan G Komen cancer walk every year.

Health Corps’ Healthy Bites
Smoothie Strong is also involved with the kid’s community by helping them to make better choices while eating this teamed us up with Health corps event healthy bites to save lives founded by DR. OZ.

Non-profit Foundation
The Smoothie Strong Foundation mission is to one day serve fresh smoothies to unfortunate kids with disabilities and health issues the smoothies would be serve from our Smoothie Strong mascot with the intent to put smiles on kids faces.
The Foundations is also serving and giving back to the elderly retirement community. We know they have Strick diets and our healthy smoothie not only fill them up but also put a smile on there faces.